
Last night I fixed my ST-35! I scavenged the power transformer out of the SCA-35, and used the new quad can capacitor I had made for me - though I guess I could have just used the one from the SCA. I soldered everything back together, also stole a couple of resistors from the SCA, and fired it up gradually with the Variac, using a low value fuse just to be safe (1.5A instead of 2A)... Now it's hooked into the main system and sounds amazing - MUCH nicer than the SCA-35 did. I remembered really enjoying this amp and now I realize why - the SCA-35 was kind of muffled-sounding, the ST-35 sounds much more crisp and has better highs. And I fixed it myself! So psyched to have actually succeeded at one of these projects, I'm now feeling more confident to plunge into something more challenging - such as fixing this old Challenger PA amp (bad hum) and then converting it into a guitar amp! The adventure continues...


I've gotten some feedback on this amp from Tube Asylum


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