
The ST35 does tend to run fairly warm, but several things are worth checking as they will contribute to increased heat. Do change the coupling caps (.1uf/400v), they often get leaky. While you're at it change C3 (.22uf/200v) Check the filter cap and replace as necessary. If you can, measure leakage under working voltages, or measure ESR.
C1 (.1uf/16v ceramic) cap does horrid things sonically, replace it with most any poly cap for a big improvement.

A small muffin fan (I like a 220v fan on 110v - runs sloooow) exausting up on top of the case will keep the temp way down.

As you've guessed, the bias is not adjustable - the ST35 uses cathode/self bias. I've tried individual bias resistors in an ST35. Although it sounds like a good idea, it sounded really poor IMHO. I'd stick with the original design. The EI 6BQ5's sound pretty darn nice and are quite inexpensive.

- Gary Kaufman


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