
Well, I got the GA 18T sounding a lot nicer, now. I bought a pair of used 6BM8's from Audio Pro and plugged them in and the amp was like a new beast. It was still a bit gravelly so I swapped thru a few 12AX7's until i found one that sounds nice and clean. There was some buzz/hum at first but playing the amp more seems to have reduced that effect.

Now I want to get the tremolo to oscillate more slowly. At it's slowest it seems reasonable, but anything about 1 or 2 is much too fast. I figure there's some resistor or cap values I cvan tweak to change this, but haven't found much info on the net so far. This might be relevant but applies to a Fender:

...it can't be slow enough!

A guy on Tubes Asylum recommended changing the 500K linear pot out for a 500K audio pot. It seems to me that this might change the range of speeds, but the lowest speed would still be the same, since it's a 500K pot. Or maybe I'm thinking about it backwards... I need to learn more about how tremolo works.


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